The Wanda S Knox Trust
"My husband, Maitland Knox, was a very successful bank president."

Wanda Knox "Traveled the world and lived like a Queen."
On Sunday 3/20/22, James Knox preached the morning and evening sermons at his church. They were titled 2 Corinthians Lesson 18 and 19. In both of these sermons Knox strongly appealed to his congregation for money while citing his parents as models for Christian giving. One point he belabored was that in spite of his parents' poverty, they always tithed and therefore God blessed them. For example, in Lesson 18 at 1:05:07, Knox praised his mother's supposed charitable giving in spite of her poverty:
"She's been living on $18,000 a year since dad [Maitland Brooks Knox] died. And she gives $6,000 to the church every year. I don't know many people who would be content to live on $1,500 a month and I don't know anybody who gives 1/3 of their income to Jesus Christ. You know why I didn't know that? Nobody but my son [Israel Knox] knew."
Nobody knew this for another reason: IT'S NOT TRUE; James Knox's mother, Wanda Knox, was not poor.
At 1:07:50 and while feigning to cry Knox preached, 'That lady traveled the world and lived like a queen because God blessed her. You wouldn't think a person that had the income she had [near poverty level] could go to the places she went and do the things she did.'"
How was Wanda S Knox really able to "Travel the World and Live like a Queen?"
Wanda's Husband, Maitland Brooks Knox, was a Wealthy International Banker

Wanda Knox's husband, Maitland Brooks Knox, was a wealthy international banker. As Wanda Knox stated in a recent interview (Wanda Knox-My Testimony),
"He was one of the youngest bank presidents in Florida. He was very successful. He worked for National Bank and they even sent him overseas on trade missions for the government."
In another interview Wanda Knox stated that her husband was "one of the youngest bank presidents and was once the president of two banks in Florida."

Did Maitland Brooks Knox work for the CIA?
In addition to representing the American Banking Association and giving expert testimony before US Congress, Maitland Brooks Knox was a successful bank president sent on international trade missions for the US government. During his life, he traveled to all 50 states, to all the Canadian provinces, and to 6 continents. Why did Maitland travel so extensively?
Given his remarkable achievements, it's odd that he wasn't given a church memorial or that he wasn't mentioned by name at his wife's recent church memorial. Why is Maitland Brooks Knox's life veiled in such secrecy?
Once while describing his father's method of corporal punishment James Knox stated cryptically,
"I think it was one of those psychological tests from the CIA. HE MIGHT HAVE WORKED FOR THE CIA..."
James Knox, Bird's Eye View of Hebrews, Nov 11, 2024, at 41:55
Wanda Knox Belonged to the USO
Wanda Knox - My Testimony: starting at 19:50 minutes
"I wanted to go to college to be a teacher but the war started World War two and I went to work at one of the military camps and by time I was working there for civil service I made more money than a teacher would so it seemed silly to go back to try that but no I never went to college might regret I think now they see advertisements that you can get your degree online and I think I might try that and then I thought why I'm not in for what I want was never too old I guess not but you are in Bible School this is I'm still early but I like that better than the college.
What was it like during World War two?
It was interesting I worked at a military camp as I said and in fact I worked at two of them they moved one and consolidated with the other and at one time I'll tell you a funny thing we had POWs from Germany and they did little jobs around the camp and they had one at that time you didn't have all to make setups the young man would set up the pins at the bowling alley and I was getting ready to bowl and one of the pins fell over he jumped down to stand it up and I left the ball going even and I was very gullible everybody told me I'd killed him the Red Cross after me so that was kind of strange incident but it was interesting.
I belong to the USO and we would go each night to a different camp to entertain not entertain as such but to visit with the soldiers write letters for them or send packages and stuff so it was a fun time for me, sad at the same time because you know one week and next week they'd gone overseas--new people yeah you've been through a lot it's all interesting...
The Wanda S Knox Trust
Maitland Brooks Knox set up a trust for his wife which enabled Wanda Knox to "travel the world and live like a Queen." At the time of her death, it was called the Wanda S Knox Trust.
James Knox preached that from the time of Maitland Brooks Knox's death until her own, his mother was living on $18,000 per year from which she tithed $6,000 per year. James Knox also preached that Wanda Knox had been living in her son's [Israel Knox's] house until she died.
What James Knox was careful NOT to disclose was that at the time of her death, his "impoverished" mother owned the building in which she lived with her son, Israel, as trustee of the Wanda S Knox Trust.
James Knox's Fraud
The true purpose of James Knox's sermon on 3/20/22 was to manipulate his congregation to tithe. His fraudulent claim was that his mother was able to "live like a Queen" despite her "poverty" because God blessed her tithe and therefore, even though the members of his congregation are also poor, they should tithe believing that God will similarly bless them. Knox was careful, however, not to disclose to his congregation the real reason why his mother was able to "live like a Queen." It wasn't because "God blessed her tithe." It was because her husband, Maitland Brooks Knox, was a very successful banker.
Knox's rationale is not only a lie and unbiblical, but it's actually criminal fraud to entice people to give you their money through deception.