Why are James W. Knox's Church Members Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Barbara Aho
There is overwhelming evidence (in video below) that James Knox's church members, Linda and Emma Strand, are Jehovah's Witnesses who deceitfully proselytize the Jehovah Witnesses' evil doctrine to Christians.
The teaching of Linda Strand, James Knox's partner and church member:
"The Jehovah Witnesses are so kind and wonderful. Open your door and be willing to spend time with them. Be friendly and receptive toward them. Listen to them and don't interrupt. Be willing to learn from them. Don't be a know-it-all. Don't argue with them. Don't show them that they are wrong. Don't call them a cult. Maybe you can win their friendship. Tell them about your family and ask them about their family. Exchange phone numbers with them. Show an interest in them. Tell them that you read their Awake Magazine-even if you don't. Tell them that you appreciate they stopped by. Be sure you're home when you promise to meet with them again."
(Linda Strand, James Knox's "Christian" church member.)
Question: Why are Crypto-Jehovah's Witnesses members of James Knox's church?
Answer: James Knox is a Talmudic Jew. Talmudic Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses have common ground; they both hate Jesus Christ and they both deny His deity. See the evidence that James Knox is also a Jehovah Witness.
This video is a critique of a Fundamental Baptist facilitator of the interfaith agenda who promotes an unbiblical and spiritually dangerous way to witness to Jehovah's Witnesses. God's Word gives an explicit command for dealing with heretical cults which show up on your doorstep bringing another gospel. The Baptist facilitator ridiculed the command given by God in His Word and recommended Satan's alternative: Dialoguing to Consensus.
Background on the Interfaith Lausanne Movement
The International Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization was founded by Billy Graham in 1974 as "an international movement that was formed for the purpose of uniting Christian churches to evangelize the world." Strategies were developed for reaching and evangelizing various people groups, one people group being "Mystics and Cultists." In 1982, the
Lausanne Committee renamed "Evangelical Ministry to Cultists" to "Evangelical Ministries to New Religions." The name change reflected a new purpose for this ministry – from "evangelizing the cults" to recognizing and legitimizing them as "new religions." The new-found purpose for Evangelical Ministries to New Religions required a new approach to evangelism: from "preaching the gospel" to cultists to sponsoring "dialogues" with them as new religions. The hidden agenda was to mainstream the cults and false religions. Among the first cults to be mainstreamed was Mormonism. To overcome the obvious doctrinal divide a strategy was developed to promote the notion of "Mormons in Transition," with the vague implication that the Mormon Church, and not only the Mormon Church but many of the false religions, are changing for the better, especially through dialogue. This strategy gave rise to the deceptive notion that the false religions were becoming "more Christian".
Although the stated purpose of the Lausanne Congress was Christian "evangelization" of the world before Jesus Christ returns, a far different outcome has been observed. Through dialoguing with cults and
other religions, Christians were becoming more tolerant of people groups and beliefs that diverged from the Word of God. Fellowship with unbelievers replaced separation from the world and faithfulness to sound doctrine. Lausanne did not result in Christian evangelization of the world but the world compromising Christianity.
In 2012, "The first ever Lausanne Movement Consultation for North American Younger Leaders brought together a diverse collection of change agents, thought-practitioners, and younger leaders to strategize on fresh approaches to sharing the Christian message." No longer would Lausanne sponsor evangelists to preach the gospel, but "change agents, thought-practitioners and younger leaders" to "strategize on fresh approaches to sharing the Christian message." These change agents, thought-practitioners and younger leaders, who are "from diverse backgrounds ethnically, geographically, and culturally" and spiritually, have been trained to transform Christian churches to unite to form a one
world religion.
Using the identical strategy, a Bible Baptist Church member is training many change agents to compromise Christians through the video "What to do when the Jehovah's Witnesses Come Knocking." Ultimately, the video is
advancing the Lausanne agenda for global church and social transformation. And the transformation is nearing completion.
Linda Strand's original video on Periscope
https://www.pscp.tv/w/1gqGvYPzjgnKB / video removed