Molly Rickenbach: In Memoriam
"And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits, and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off from among his people." (Leviticus 20:6)
Molly Rickenbach
March 1, 1969-December 21, 2023

Why did Molly Rickenbach Die?
Why was Molly Rickenbach's Death so Untimely?
Why was Molly Rickenbach a Devotee of James Knox?
Where is Molly Rickenbach today?

Pastor James Knox is a Jewish Kabbalist (a Witch)!
Molly Rickenbach's pastor, James Knox, is a Jewish Kabbalist. To practice King James Only Kabbalism is to practice witchcraft!
Unfortunately, Molly Rickenbach refused to heed the many warnings given her concerning the extreme danger in joining James Knox's Church Coven.

God's Word Condemns Witchcraft
"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." (Ex 22:18)
Molly (Aho) Rickenbach Married Jeffrey David Rickenbach
Molly Aho married Jeffrey David Rickenbach. Jeffrey Rickenbach's mother, Bethel Rickenbach (nee Warner), is Jewish, and his ex-wife, Erin Elizabeth Rickenbach (nee Combs), is Jewish. After marrying Molly Aho Jeffrey adopted two babies both of whom were given Jewish names: Miles and Paul.
Jeffrey Rickenbach is a graduate of the US Naval Academy (Annapolis). He served in the US Navy as a Commander and as a Surface Warfare Officer. He's currently a Senior Manager of Operations at Mitsubishi Power Systems Americas.
Refusing to take heed to either God's admonition of witchcraft or to his wife's death, sadly, Jeffrey Rickenbach remains a devotee of James Knox and James Knox's Jewish Kabbalist (Witchcraft) Coven.
Molly Rickenbach is buried at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery
(Section 6, Site 134).

Barbara Aho's Letters of Warning to Molly Rickenbach
Molly Rickenbach refused to heed her mother's (Barbara Aho's) many warnings regarding the spiritual danger within James Knox's Kabbalist (Witchcraft) Kult; warnings sent to Molly long before she died and even before she was sick!
James Knox is a Jewish Kabbalist
From: Barbara Aho <> Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 07:49:24 PM EDT
Subject: Healing
"Dear Molly,
"I've been praying a lot for your healing and I believe your cancer has a spiritual cause. This may be difficult for you but let me explain.
"You have been under a major deception and the demonic influence of a false teacher. James Knox is a secret Jew with a hidden agenda to lead the KJV-only churches into the Tribulation period where they will be forced to deny Jesus Christ or be decapitated.
"James Knox is also a promoter and practitioner of Kabbalah, which is Jewish witchcraft. During the Tribulation the King James Bible will be used for divination using Bible codes and consulting evil spirits. This is why James Knox teaches that the KJV is superior to the original manuscripts and why he and Gail Riplinger trash Greek and Hebrew resources which are aids to understand the words of the KJV. God forbids divination and consulting familiar spirits in Deuteronomy 18:10-12 and there are curses on those who practice these abominations.
"Molly, there are conditions for healing——faith in God and obedience to his commandments. God's blessings and curses are given in His Word.
"This may seem harsh but I am warning you because I love you! Mom"
James Knox is a Charlatan
From: Barbara Aho : Sat, Jul 9, 2022 at 10:49 PM
"James Knox is a charlatan who very skilled at fooling many people. But Jesus said that false teachers will lead you to destruction. "I have been praying with faith for your healing but it's getting harder to have faith while you continue to believe the false teachings and many lies of James Knox.
"You have cancer, which is serious and could be fatal. Do you think God will heal you if you have faith in a false teacher? And you are influencing your family to trust the false teachers in that church. This is no minor matter; it is very serious.
"I have been praying daily for you; the least you can do is take seriously what I have been trying to warn you about. It is most important that you get right spiritually if you want Him to heal you. Because I love you I must warn you. Mom"
James Knox is an Evil and Ravening Wolf in Sheep's Clothes.
Barbara Aho From: Sat, May 28, 2022 at 12:58 PM
"This is the letter I sent to Molly over a month ago. She ignored it. I have told her Knox is evil and she is in spirital danger staying in that church. She ignored that warning. I will reiterate this warning when I she calls again but I am weary of obsessing over Molly."
"Dear Molly,
"Yesterday we spoke and prayed for your healing. I am grieving that you have this horrible cancer. I will continue to pray for your healing but I must share with you what God has shown me. Even if I pray all day long the Lord will not heal one who is disobedient to His Word. (1 Cor 11:30-31)
"Jesus warned His disciples to "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves." (Mt. 7:15) The consequence of disobeying Jesus' command is destruction. "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat." (Mt. 7:13)
"Over the past year I have tried to warn you that James Knox is a wolf in sheep's clothing, but you have disregarded the evidence I have provided...There is another matter I must bring up, although I would rather not. God commands children, "Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee." James Knox has lied about me and Bob from the pulpit, yet you are happy to attend his church. Pastor Knox also had his church members threaten us and it appears you have shared personal information about us which he has broadcast from his pulpit to intimidate. We have been inundated with e-mails falsely accusing us of harassment and stalking, and threats of reporting us to the police.
"Molly, I write this letter in love, not condemnation. We all sin and offend one another. (James 3:2) As your mother I care about you and I desire more than anything your spiritual well-being and physical healing.
"Please take my warning to heart and examine yourself now.
Love, Mom"