King James Onlyism: A Front for Talmudic Judaism
James W Knox is also a proponent of King James Onlyism, which very few know is a Satanic movement whose agenda is to introduce Christians to Jewish Kabbalism. James Knox is promoted by Gail Riplinger, who is exposed as a Jewish Kabbalist on this website.
Gail Riplinger: "The Queen of King James Onlyism" (According to the video below)
The King James Version is not Inerrant and was Translated from Multiple Texts
James Knox and King James Only advocates teach that the King James Bible is divinely inspired and inerrant. This false teaching ignores and suppresses much evidence to the contrary. (Though the King James Bible isn't inerrant, it is still (along with the NKJV) the best English bible translation).
Because in KJV-Onlyism, the King James Bible is deemed to be inspired and inerrant, KJV-Only readers are admonished to never consult Hebrew and Greek resources, such as concordances and lexicons, to understand the meanings of the words in their Bibles.
Another tenet of King James Onlyism is that the KJV defines its own words so there is no need to consult Greek or Hebrew language resources. In fact, KJV-Onlism, it is rank heresy to consult a Greek or Hebrew dictionary, concordance or other resource to understand the meanings of words in the KJV or to verify the accuracy of a translated word.
Revising the KJV is also forbidden and not even a word or letter in the King James Bible may be added or removed or changed.
For four centuries Christians have read and loved the King James Bible; however, in the last 50 years "King James Onlyism" has evolved into a cult with strange and sinister rules never envisioned by the Translators of the 1611 Authorized Version.
The 1611 AV Translators set forth many of their beliefs and principles of Bible translation in their Preface, "The Translators to the Reader." Among these are the following:
1. All translations contain errors. The Translators Preface to the 1611 Authorized Version (which was removed from KJVs 200 years ago) rightly acknowledges that all translations, including their 1611 AV, contain errors and only the original Hebrew and Greek manuscripts were inspired and inerrant. The Translators of the 1611 AV wrote that only the Prophets and Apostles were inspired and that the Hebrew text of the Old Testament and the Greek text of the New Testament were the only inspired texts for Bible translation. The following quote, though a bit difficult to understand with its old English, establishes this fact.
cause therefore why the word translated should be denied to be the
word, or forbidden to be current, notwithstanding that some
imperfections and blemishes may be noted in the setting forth of it. For
whatever was perfect under the Sun, where Apostles or Apostolic men,
that is, men endued with an extraordinary measure of God's spirit, and
privileged with the privilege of infallibility, had not their hand?
(Answer to the Imputations of our Adversaries)
2. The Translators used a variety of translations for the 1611 AV. Because KJV Bibles omit the Translator's Preface, it's not well known that the translators themselves consulted Greek and Hebrew resources for their translation, and that portions of the 1611 AV were translated from the Latin Vulgate.
"Neither did we think
much to consult the Translators or Commentators, Chaldee, Hebrew,
Syrian, Greek or Latin, no nor the Spanish, French, Italian, or Dutch;
neither did we disdain to revise that which we had done..."
"Therefore as S. Augustine saith, that variety of Translations is profitable for the finding out of the sense of the Scriptures..."
3. The 1611 AV has also often been amended. The
text of the 1611 AV has been amended over 300+ years following its
publication and new editions have been published to correct errors. Some
word changes in these new editions have affected the meanings of
verses. See: (Amended Editions).
4. There are errors in the King James Version. Just as the original AV 1611 translation had errors, the King James bible today has errors. One can study a dozen errors in the King James Bible which have affected the meaning of scripture here.
Christian commentators have been aware of the errors in the King James bible and have tried to correct them. For example, in 1871, John Nelson Darby labored "to write a more correct translation" of the bible using many different texts. (see: Darby Translation).
Another example is the great Bible commentator F B Hole, who taught in England 100 years ago. His commentary on 1 John 3:4 identifies a translation error in the King James Version.
"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."
F B Hole's commentary states, "One of the few blemishes of our excellent Authorized Version occurs in verse 4, where the word for lawlessness is translated as 'transgression of the law.' 'Every one that practices sin practices also lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness. (Darby translation).' If sin really had been the transgression of the law, then there would have been no sin committed in the world between Adam and Moses, as Romans 5:13-14 says. But sin is something deeper than that, for lawlessness is the denial and repudiation of all law, and not merely the breaking of it when given."
A clear translation error is found in Revelation 20:4 where the Greek word "epi" is translated "in" and "upon" in prepositional phrases having the same syntax:
"And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years."
King James Onlyism's Diabolical End Game
It's easily verifiable that the King James Bible has errors and that the words of the 1611 Authorized Version have been amended over three centuries. Why do KJV-Only proponents such as James Knox persist in their deception that the King James Bible is divinely inspired and perfect? To arrive at the answer, it's necessary to understand the diabolical endgame of the Synagogue of Satan and of Gail Riplinger, and her mentor, James Sightler, who have been at the forefront of this most wicked deception.
A central tenet of King James Onlyism is the strict prohibition of consulting Greek or Hebrew language resources. However, in the very first chapter of his book, A Testimony Founded Forever, James Sightler referenced the Jewish Talmud indirectly by citing the "Targums" (Aramaic translations or interpretations of the Hebrew OT) as authoritative sources of Bible interpretation.
James Sightler referenced the Targums in order to redefine the word "testimony" in the Ark of the Covenant. (Exod. 25:21-22) The "testimony" is clearly defined in Exodus 31:18, 34:1, Deut. 10:1-4 and other verses as the tables of stone upon which God wrote the 10 commandments after Moses broke the first tables of stone. Sightler ignored the verses which define the "testimony" as the tables of stone and, instead, referenced the Talmudic Targums which redefine the word as the "Shechinah," which means the "Presence of God" and other manifestations of God in the Old Testament. Sightler wrote:
"The word Shechinah is not in the Bible, but is found in the Targums of Onkelos and Jonathan. Jews and Christians have believed that the Shechinah, when the Tabernacle was completed, dwelt between the cherubims over the mercy seat. In Exodus 25:21-22 we read: 'And thou shalt put the mercy seat above the ark: and in the ark thou shalt put the testimony that I shall give thee. And there I will meet with thee, and I will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims which are upon the ark of the testimony, of all things which I will give thee in commandment unto the children of Israel.' Here is a passage which connects the Testimony, the Shechinah, the word of God, and God's meeting and communion with His chosen people." (p. 5)
According to the Talmud, "The Aramaic translation of the Torah used in the synagogues was composed by Onkelos the convert based on the teachings of Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Yehoshua." According to the Jewish Encyclopedia, "Onḳelos translates 'Elohim' in Gen. ix. 27 by 'Shekinah'." In Kabbalah, "Shekinah" is goddess/wife of God, making God male-female. In the Talmud, the Shekinah is light, i.e. Lucifer, the Lightbearer. In the Kabbalah, the Shekinah (Lucifer) facilitates Kundalini, enlightenment and the divinity of man (Gen. 3:5).
During the Tribulation, the "Shechinah Glory" (Lucifer) will manifest between the Cherubim in the Temple of the Antichrist. Is this what James Sightler had in mind when he wrote that the Shechinah "dwelt between the cherubims over the mercy seat" as God "will commune with thee from above the mercy seat, from between the two cherubims"? Because that is precisely what Onkelos and the Rabbis meant in the Targums and Talmud: "Onḳelos translates 'Elohim' in Gen. ix. 27 by 'Shekinah'."
King James Only Christians are not permitted to consult Greek or Hebrew resources but it is highly recommended that they consult the Aramaic Targums referenced in the Talmud which the Jewish Rabbis use to nullify the word of God. The hidden agenda of King James Onlyism is to steathily transition Christians from the plain reading of Scripture and the underlying Greek and Hebrew texts to consulting the Rabbinic Talmud and Kabbalah for their understanding of the Bible.