Proof that Pastor James Knox Teaches directly from the Jewish Talmud and the Jewish Kabbalah
In this video, Faithful Moses Hebrews Lesson 49, James Knox taught directly from the Talmud and from the Kabbalah!
Faithful Moses Hebrews Lesson 49 (2/6/25)
James Knox's Teaching
James Knox preached the following starting at 22:54:
"The Hebrew people-you get reading some of their material [the Talmud and the Kabbalah]-the Rabbis said, 'The soul of Moses was equivalent to the souls of all Israel...' They also, like Christians do, try to date the rapture and identify the Antichrist. They have this Gematria thing where they give numerical value to letters and try to find secret hidden meanings in words and phrases. They say that 'Moses our Rabbi' is the numerical equivalent of the Hebrew letters 613, and also the letters 'Lord God of Israel' equals 613. And so that Moses is as close to the Lord God of Israel as a man could be. I'm not giving any validity to that; I'm just telling you this is the heart of the Hebrew people toward Moses. They said (at 24:05) in one of their writings [the Talmud], 'The face of Moses was like the sun. He alone saw through a clear glass- not as other prophets, who saw through a dim glass and that whereas there are but 50 gates of understanding in the world, all but one were opened to Moses.' They're impressed with the man, and I say, having read the OT and the NT, so am I."
James Knox Teaches from the Talmud
James Knox teaches Gematria, a Kabbalist numerical system
James Knox preached at 23:26, "They [Rabbis] have this Gematria thing where they give numerical value to letters and try to find secret hidden meanings in words and phrases."
"Gematria is a numerological system by which Hebrew letters correspond to numbers. This system, developed by practitioners of Kabbalah (Jewish mysticism), derived from Greek influence and became a tool for interpreting biblical texts."
Different Methods of Gematria:
"Hebrew Gematria, with its deep roots in Kabbalah [witchcraft], employs several methods that unveil the inner dimensions of the Hebrew alphabet and texts."
It is the Primary Text of Kabbalah. It teaches that the Hebrew letters and words are highly symbolic and with esoteric meanings...They are also coded with gematria, which is the numerology. Kabbalah Book of Zohar is said to be full of numerological codings hidden in Hebrew letters and geometrical symbols.
What is the Kabbalah?
According to the Christian Observer and their article, what is the Kabbalah (and why it is so bad),
"Kabbalah came from Babylon, and it is the religion of the sons of serpent, and the vehicle for delivering the satanism today. Satan's control of the dark side seems to have been done mainly through Kabbalah, and it is going on even more actively now."
"Gnosticism goes hand in hand with Cabala (Kabbalah or Qabbala), which is the esoteric or mystic religion of Rabbinic Judaism. These occult teachings deal with magic, hypnotism, sorcery and all sorts of pagan practices collected by the Jews throughout centuries of spiritual borrowing from different cultures."
James Knox teaches directly from the Babylonian Talmud's "Fifty Gates of Understanding"
At 24:17 James Knox preached, "He [Moses] alone saw through a clear glass- not as other prophets who saw through a dim glass, and whereas there are but 50 gates of understanding in the world, all but one were opened to Moses."
According to the article, Fifty Gates of Understanding,
"Perhaps, then, Moshe Rabbeinu [Moses] did not die. First of all, at his death he had been able to achieve the most extraordinary accomplishment. As the Talmud states: "Fifty Gates of Understanding were created in the world, and 49 were given to Moshe Rabbeinu." (Rosh Hashanah 21b).
When James Knox taught that 49 of the 50 gates in this world were opened to Moses, he didn't teach God's word, he taught from Satan's word, the Jewish Talmud (Rosh Hashanah 21b).
James Knox teaches from the Jewish Kabbalah.
"Shavuos is also known as The 50 Gates of Understanding or The 50 gates of Binah (corresponding to the sefirot of Binah). The sefirot of Chochma (wisdom) appears opposite to Binah on the Kabbalah Tree of Life...
"...When we add +1 to the count of 49 we then have the 50th (related to the letter nun as will follow). The '+1' then 'enclothes' all the previous 49 experiences to the 5oth level (this is a kabbalistic concept).
"Moshe [Moses] and the 50 gates of Binah -Understanding reveals that the passing of Moshe on Mt. Nevo is also known as 'Moshes' transformation of the 50 gates'. Mt. Nevo is also referred to as the Mountain of 'NuN'...The gematria value of the letter Nun = 50. It was here that Moses reached the 50th gate and ascended to the heavens."
The Kabbalist Tree with its 50 gates of Binah (corresponding to the sefirot of Binah)